An insight to the addicting world of beekeeping


Common Challenges And How To Overcome Them In Backyard Beekeeping

I’m going to take you through the captivating world of backyard beekeeping. Think of it as your chance to make a personal impact on our environment while indulging in a hobby that’s as sweet as the honey it produces. You’re… Continue Reading…


Beekeeping And Stress Relief: How Beekeeping Can Improve Well-Being

Today, I’m going to be talking about the lesser-known therapeutic side of beekeeping. It’s not just about the buzz of producing honey; it’s also about the tranquility it brings into your life. I’m here to help you understand why grabbing… Continue Reading…


Having been a beekeeper for a few years, I have taken advantage of the many natural benefits that honeybees have to offer. No, I’m not just talking about honey or even the wax they produce. This time, I’m referring to… Continue Reading…


There will be times as a beekeeper when things will go wrong. Beekeeping is a huge learning curve and oftentimes you’re learning as you go. Sometimes you realized you have to replace an entire hive or hopefully, you find yourself… Continue Reading…


Queen exluder, honeybees

In beekeeping there has to be some way to stop the queen bee from laying eggs in your honey! Otherwise, it’s quite disgusting. Can you imagine little egg parts in your delicious, sweet honey?    What is a queen excluder?… Continue Reading…


For anyone who is interested in becoming a beekeeper or for anyone who is curious about bees, you may wonder just how someone gets an entire colony of bees into a hive box. There are a couple of ways of… Continue Reading…



Inside a hive, you have the queen who lays eggs and the drone who has only one task to mate–if he’s lucky. The worker bee on the other hand does so much more than most people think. They are so… Continue Reading…


Honeybees on a frame.

Beekeeping has become such a rewarding hobby but, just like everything else in life, it has its ups and downs. This hobby started as a subject that perked my interest one day while watching TV. Someone had been a beekeeper… Continue Reading…


People who have been beekeepers for years will tend to bees without a veil or without a smoker. However, each one of them will always take their hive tool with them. Why the Hive Tool? Honeybees will “glue” everything together… Continue Reading…


Too often people tell me that they love honeybees but they are allergic to bee stings. Later in the conversation I find out there was a big misunderstanding of what they thought they were actually allergic to. The descriptions of… Continue Reading…

Queen Cells – Nature’s Royal Chambers